I never paid too much attention to my skin before now.
Now that I am home more and not wearing makeup, I have become really obsessed with taking care of it.
Is it late to start now? Ideally, I would have started in my 20's, but since I did not, now will have to do.
My mother always used Lancome products, so I thought I would start there.
I started watching the Lancome Facebook page and one of its Ambassadors, Ricardo Costales, is my favorite. He has a great sense of humor and his skin glows!
So I thought I would go to their site and try some of their most popular, but affordable products.
I needed a few things anyway, I was out of foundation and needed face powder, and theirs are my favorite. I just purchased what I needed and they had a promo for a 7-piece gift that allowed me to get some samples of Genifique and Lancome Hydra Zen, Renergie Lift Multi-action and some other goodies. I also purchased a Genifique Starter kit and a few face masks to try. I love Visionnaire, too.
I tried my first face mask today and it felt amazing! SO nourishing. See pictures above.
I left it on for 20 minutes and my skin already feels different. I am confident it will also start looking smoother and clearer after a month of doing my routine. I will keep you posted.
In the meantime, check out Ricardo's Facebook for skin care and make up tips.
What your skincare routine?
Be safe. Much love and many blessings,